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About Me

I'm married with three beautiful kids and a loving husband.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jobs available

I was thinking of any possible job available to make money, any job just to earn for my family. I have researched many sites for the perfect job for me, but I guess there's not really such thing as perfect job. I left my "previous" work because I'm really underpaid, imagine a government employee as an engineer with a salary of a laborer. That's really low!!! It's not only degrading but it shows how our government is so underrated and so sub-standard. Finally, I took the courage and left...

The hardest part of leaving, is how to start again! I'm a licensed civil engineer and there are many of us, unemployed and inexperienced. Well, what about the perfect job? How do I start, where do I begin? After a couple of months of being hanged-out with my family - my hubby and kids, and of course the internet, I think I already browsed all of the possible jobs available. Not only jobs for engineers, but all kinds - laborers, part-time, work-abroad and also the internet job!

During this year of recession, you really can't believe the work available posted in the web. There are a lot to choose from but only if you are a qualified candidate. I disregarded the hired jobs for awhile and tried what they call the internet job. Many testimonials claim of becoming rich, filthy rich overnight! That's ridiculous! I tried one program and actually it takes brains to figure out how to make that money. There's not really a thing! You have to make your own strategy, but with the proper tools. Somehow the information from these programs are helpful to use in your own strategy. Experimenting is also a very good start with the perfect internet job. I got some tip also from a lot of forums. You really can't believe what you read from live forums. Someone make out $1000 for just a week from google adsense, well damn, It would be great if I make at least half of it in a month! But these are real people and it gives inspiration just reading it. The part of finding the right niche is intriguing, and it is what the most basic important part of a blogger or advertiser.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), What about it?

Multi-level marketing have many of their kind. But before you spend your money on to something like MLM there are certain things you need to consider. Well, personally, I have not done these checks before I joined one MLM and it's sad to say that it did not work for me. I really like the marketing strategy, I was sold to the marketing structure but the problem is "How to have a downline or how to make a sale, or how to advertise?" Surely, there are a lot of seminars, webinars, audio lectures and many more strategies which you're supposed to learn and watch and apply to gain downlines and sales. But again, you should know these things..

I have read one article about Multi-level marketing which claims that all MLM are scams. Well, maybe it's partly true. I say this because most MLM first offer you free products to lure you to join. But if you're part of their program now, some of the information or the products are less needed and most of the good products are for sale but with discounts to members. That's really unfair thinking you joined the program but you still get to pay for information. Most Multi-level marketing have the same compensation strategy pattern, but there are some unique compensation plans, but still the problem is how to gain downlines, which in my case is the hardest part. You really don't expect people to pay you to become their downline.

Well, after a month of joining this MLM, I bailed out! So what's next?

My Google Adsense has just been approved  a week ago, I have to work for my page content yet to see some result. We'll see what will happen... Many claims they got a sack of money out of it. That's good, I can't wait to have my first dollar. I came across a funny quote from a forum. It says, "Help anyone, I will be happy if I had a dollar an hour work from the internet." Many people now are depending on making money through the internet. Why not? It's really an interesting job.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Home Treatment: Simple Home Treatments, Self-Treatments for Common Sickness

Home treatment is important to prevent any sickness to worsen. The knowledge and practice of healthful living habits and home treatments will do much to prevent disease and sickness. It is best to eat the apple a day to keep the doctor away. Healthy living is important to prevent anyone or at least to minimize the need for home treatments of any kind. But illnesses and injuries do occur, and for minor ones every household should be equipped to give simple remedies.

Unfortunately, cabinets in many homes are stocked with medicines for headache, acid stomach, sleeplessness, etc., and family members use these rather indiscriminately. Self-medication, home treatments are encourage but with the proper administrations, rather people fill themselves with chemicals that actually cause damage to the body.

In contrast to drug medication, there are simple home treatments which do not leave residuals to the body. These home treatments consist of the rational use of natural remedies such as water, light, controlled exercise and rest. With these home treatments, compared to drugs, self-treatment should be restricted to only minor symptoms which do not need medical help, to temporary emergency situations, or to home treatment done under medical direction. The results of these home treatments depend on the natural physiological response of the body.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Barber's Itch or Ringworm of the Beard is a contagious disease caused by a parasitic fungus, beginning with inflammation in the hair follicles of the beard. It is more persistent than ringworm of the scalp or of the body, but fortunately it is not common. It may be contracted in insanitary barbershops.

Small superficial nodules appear, later becoming larger and more deep-seated because the parasites work down to the bottom of the follicles. Inflammation is general over the skin of the affected areas, but more marked over the nodules, which occur in groups. Usually a brittle hair projects from each nodule. It is loose and can be pulled out easily. The follicles may discharge thin pus. The disease causes considerable itching and discomfort, and it is sometimes mildly painful. A staphylococci infection of the bearded area may closely resemble ringworm of the beard, except that the hairs do not loosen. It requires different treatment. Partly because of this fact, self diagnosis is not easy, and self-treatment may not succeed. A dermatologist should be consulted.


1. The person who suspects he may have barber's itch should guard others from infection, not letting them use his personal razor, toilet articles, or towels. After using these articles himself he should sterilize them.

2. Consult a physician.

3. Griseofulvin taken by mouth for four weeks under a physician's supervision is usually curative.

Allergy Treatment


Some people are abnormally sensitive to substances in the air they breathe, in their food, or in something they touch. The same substances may be harmless to other family members and to other people in general. This sensitivity may be present from birth, but it is more often built up as a result of repeated contacts with the offending substances. The sensitivity is called allergy; and, if comparatively prompt and violent, the body's reaction is called anaphylaxis.

A variety of diseases may be caused by allergy. Hay fever and asthma, acute vomiting or purging-especially in children-eczema, hives, and several other skin affections are prominent examples.

Among the offending substances frequently affecting abnormally sensitive people are pollens; hair and dandruff; emanations from cats, dogs, or horses; fur or feathers; such food as milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, pork, fowl, wheat, oranges, strawberries, cereals, and butter.


1. Try to find out the identity of the offending food or other substance and avoid it. This may call for the aid of a physician, and one of the methods he may use in his detective work is a series of skin tests.

2. When an attack occurs, possibly because of some food, discontinue all food for few hours. As eating is resumed, try one food at a time in the hope of discovering the food cause of the allergy.

3. Try to relieve the itching by applying 1 percent phenol in calamine lotion to the itching areas.

4. If the allergy attack is severe, consult a physician. He may give some injection that may be able to give prompt relief and to prescribe other remedies to fit the individual case.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to treat ringworm?


Ringworm of the groin manifest itself as brownish or reddish scaly patches, with tiny blisters at the spreading edges, commonly affecting the inner surface of the upper thighs, scrotum, groin, perineum, and anal region. Some consider this condition a variety of ringworm of the body. In many case the same has athlete's foot - the probable source of fungus infection which now affects the groin. Heat, moisture, profuse perspiration, and chafing by the clothing can prepare the way for the infection. It is more common in the tropics than in cooler climates. The mild itching or smarting sensations cause some discomfort.

1.   Keep the affected skin areas as clean and dry as possible. Wear cool, soft, loos-fitting clothing.

2.   Apply one of the following fungicidal creams to the affected skin areas twice daily for two or three weeks: Halotex cream, Lotrimin cream, or Tinactin cream.

3.   In the morning, dust on talcum powder containing 10 percent of calcium propionate. Use this powder freely during the day to decrease friction when walking.

4.   Griseofulvin taken under a physician's supervision is an effective remedy.

How to prevent and treat callus?

A CALLUS is a patch of thickened, hardened epidermis, caused by long continued pressure or friction. It is uncommon for a callus to be painful, or even to cause marked discomfort. For a permanent cure, the cuase must of course be removed.

1.   As far as possible, relieve the affected area from pressure or friction.

2.   At bedtime, apply a bit of the following mixture to affected area only and cover with adhesive:
                                       Salicylic acid                        3
                                       Lactic acid                           3
                                       Flexible collodion q.s. ad    15

     An alternative is to apply small pads of cotton or gauze that jhave been dipped in 40 percent salicylic acid.
     CAUTION: Salicylic acid must not be used for a diabetic patient.

3.   In the morning remove the adhesive and scrape off the softened skin tissue.

4.   Continue (2) and (3) until the callus has been reduced to the thickness of normal skin.

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    How to treat dandruff?


     SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS is a common affliction characterized by mild itching and oily scaling, usually found on the scalp, but sometimes dandruff also affects the face, neck, chest, armpits, groin, or genital region.

    It is called DANDRUFF when located on the scalp, it is common that few people are completely free from it. When dandruff appears on the body elsewhere, the eruption is more likely to be characterized by oily crusts instead of dry scales. The skin beneath the dandruff crusts is somewhat thickened and mildly inflamed. The only unpleasant sensation is the mild itching.

    A hereditary tendency, hormone imbalance, nutritional states, and emotional stress are possible causes of dandruff. If nay factor of infection is involved, it is probably secondary.

    1.   For "dry" dandruff on the scalp, proceed as follows:
      •  Shampoo three times a week for four weeks - afterward once a week until a satisfactory cure is accomplished. Once a week, at bedtime, after a shampoo, apply Pragmatar ointment, available at any drugstore.
      • The following morning, wash away all traces of ointment with mild soap and warm water, massaging the scalp well. After washing and massaging, rub into the scalp a little of the following solution:
                                         Phenol                          5
                                         Castor Oil                   15
                                         Salicylic Acid                2
                                         Alcohol, 70% q.s.      120

      • Though the condition is not primarily infectious, germs may be present and may make the condition worse, so sterilize your comb at least once a week. Do not use hairbrush, because a hairbrudsh cannot be sterilized.
      2.   If the skin of the face or body is affected with dandruff, try the following: Alternate nights at bedtime, rub 5 percent sulfur ointment. On in-between nights, apply lotio alba.

      3.   For the more severe cases of dandruff infection and for those involving larger areas of skin, the physician may direct the use of steroid and antibiotic preparations.

        Home treatment for common skin disease.

        Skin disease can be treated if you cannot find a skin specialist or cannot afford professional medical care. Some skin diseases may be unusual or malignant that only a competent physician or specialist is qualified to recognize and treat it.

        In cases where any doubt of self treatment exist, attempts at self-diagnosis or self-treatment are not wise. In such a condition, giving wrong treatment, or delay in giving the right treatment may be serious. Perhaps the most important warning to those who self-treat skin diseases without professional supervision is this: DO NOT OVER-TREAT! While a skin disease is being treated, any increase in the signs of irritation or inflammation should be taken as evidence of probable overtreatment or as an allergic reaction to the medication.

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