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I'm married with three beautiful kids and a loving husband.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), What about it?

Multi-level marketing have many of their kind. But before you spend your money on to something like MLM there are certain things you need to consider. Well, personally, I have not done these checks before I joined one MLM and it's sad to say that it did not work for me. I really like the marketing strategy, I was sold to the marketing structure but the problem is "How to have a downline or how to make a sale, or how to advertise?" Surely, there are a lot of seminars, webinars, audio lectures and many more strategies which you're supposed to learn and watch and apply to gain downlines and sales. But again, you should know these things..

I have read one article about Multi-level marketing which claims that all MLM are scams. Well, maybe it's partly true. I say this because most MLM first offer you free products to lure you to join. But if you're part of their program now, some of the information or the products are less needed and most of the good products are for sale but with discounts to members. That's really unfair thinking you joined the program but you still get to pay for information. Most Multi-level marketing have the same compensation strategy pattern, but there are some unique compensation plans, but still the problem is how to gain downlines, which in my case is the hardest part. You really don't expect people to pay you to become their downline.

Well, after a month of joining this MLM, I bailed out! So what's next?

My Google Adsense has just been approved  a week ago, I have to work for my page content yet to see some result. We'll see what will happen... Many claims they got a sack of money out of it. That's good, I can't wait to have my first dollar. I came across a funny quote from a forum. It says, "Help anyone, I will be happy if I had a dollar an hour work from the internet." Many people now are depending on making money through the internet. Why not? It's really an interesting job.


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